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Faculty Book Excerpts

Featured here are several of the books recently published by the faculty at the Institute.  We will include as much of a book's content as we are allowed by the publisher as well as other supporting information not published in the books.

The books currently included here are:

bullet Clergy Women:  An Uphill Calling
bullet Studying Congregations:  A New 

Visit the Bibliography of the Institute's faculty for a more extensive listing of books by faculty members.


Clergy Women:  An Uphill Calling
bullet Read a brief description of the book
bullet Read a detailed abstract of the book
bullet Read the article Women, men and styles of clergy
, by Barbara Brown Zikmund, Adair T. Lummis and Patricia M. Y. Chang published in Christian
and reprinted by permission. 
bullet Download statistical findings from the Study
bullet Buy it now at Amazon.com

Studying Congregations:  A New Handbook
bullet Read a brief description of the book
bullet Buy it now at Amazon.com




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Hartford, CT 06105
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